How to write unmaintainable code
Executing in the kingdom of nouns
Object disoriented programming
Hidden costs that engineers ignore
Reusable software? Just don't write generic code
The fallacy of premature optimization
Simple is not the opposite of complex
The parable of two programmers
Harmful gotos, premature optimizations, and programming myths are the root of all evil
In Defense of Not-Invented-Here Syndrome
Vanilla JS - fast, lightweight, cross-platform JS framework
An example of the beauty of haskell
human error and simplicity in software
How broken practices become standard
The sad state of web development
Write code that is easy to delete
Object-disoriented programming (Shamus)
Growing a language (Guy Steele)
Lessons learned from 30 years of Minix
It's time to get over that stored procedure aversion you have
The human cost of technical debt
Countering the Achievement Society
Seven tough lessons from ten years in bootstrapped business
The Best Programming Advice I Ever Got
Accidental and essential complexity
The cost of waiting for feedback
five arguments to make managers care about tech debt
All Programming Is Language Design
Server side rendering is better
Reflections on software performance
College-educated professionals are capitalism's useful idiots
Living up to your business ideals
Why every single element of SOLID is wrong
This world of ours (there is no security)
Driving engineers to an arbitrary date is a value destroying mistake
As a solo developers I decided to offer phone support, and this is what happened
Back to the '70s with Serverless
We instinctively add on new features...
Reality has a surprising amount of detail
Nobody wants touch screen glove box latches and it needs to stop now
Why I strive to be a 0.1x engineer
Maybe we could tone down the JavaScript
The great gaslighting of the JS age
The Grand Follies of Software Development
DevEx: What Actually Drives Productivity
“Good code documents itself” and other hilarious jokes
The Stupid Programmer Manifesto
Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost?
A student asked how I keep us innovative. I don't.
Your Organization Probably Doesn't Want To Improve Things
Death by a Thousand Microservices
Writing Maintainable Code is a Communication Skill
Individual initiative, corporate inertia and good bad advice
Great analogy about estimating in software development
Why Bloat is Still Software's Biggest Vulnerability
Should I Use jwts For Authentication Tokens? No.
I will fail your tech interviews
You might not need microservices
Copying is the way design works
Writing large correct programs
You are not paid to write code
Importance of stupidity in scientific research
On Long-Term Software Development