package com.renomad.minum.utils;
import com.renomad.minum.logging.ILogger;
* This exists so that we are able to slightly better manage
* exceptions in a highly threaded system. Here's the thing:
* exceptions stop bubbling up at the thread invocation. If we
* don't take care to deal with that in some way, we can easily
* just lose the information. Something could be badly broken and
* we could be totally oblivious to it. This interface is to
* alleviate that situation.
public interface ThrowingRunnable {
* The reason this throws an exception is so that lambdas
* don't need to try-catch their thrown exceptions when they
* use this.
void run() throws Exception;
static Runnable throwingRunnableWrapper(ThrowingRunnable throwingRunnable, ILogger logger) {
return () -> {
try {;
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.logAsyncError(() -> StacktraceUtils.stackTraceToString(ex));