import com.renomad.minum.state.Constants;
import com.renomad.minum.state.Context;
import com.renomad.minum.database.Db;
import com.renomad.minum.logging.ILogger;
import com.renomad.minum.utils.SearchUtils;
import com.renomad.minum.utils.ThrowingRunnable;
import com.renomad.minum.utils.TimeUtils;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* See {@link ITheBrig}
public final class TheBrig implements ITheBrig {
private final ExecutorService es;
private final Db<Inmate> inmatesDb;
private final ILogger logger;
private final Constants constants;
private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
private Thread myThread;
* How long our inner thread will sleep before waking up to scan
* for old keys
private final int sleepTime;
public TheBrig(int sleepTime, Context context) { = context.getExecutorService();
this.constants = context.getConstants();
this.logger = context.getLogger();
this.inmatesDb = context.getDb("the_brig", Inmate.EMPTY);
this.sleepTime = sleepTime;
* In this class we create a thread that runs throughout the lifetime
* of the application, in an infinite loop removing keys from the list
* under consideration.
public TheBrig(Context context) {
this(10 * 1000, context);
// Regarding the BusyWait - indeed, we expect that the while loop
// below is an infinite loop unless there's an exception thrown, that's what it is.
public ITheBrig initialize() {
logger.logDebug(() -> "Initializing TheBrig main loop");
ThrowingRunnable innerLoopThread = () -> {
myThread = Thread.currentThread();
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
this is what we expect to happen.
once this happens, we just continue on.
this only gets called when we are trying to shut everything
down cleanly
logger.logDebug(() -> String.format("%s TheBrig is stopped.%n", TimeUtils.getTimestampIsoInstant()));
es.submit(ThrowingRunnable.throwingRunnableWrapper(innerLoopThread, logger));
return this;
private void reviewCurrentInmates() throws InterruptedException {
Collection<Inmate> values = inmatesDb.values();
if (! values.isEmpty()) {
logger.logTrace(() -> "TheBrig reviewing current inmates. Count: " + values.size());
var now = System.currentTimeMillis();
processInmateList(now, values, logger, inmatesDb);
* figure out which clients have paid their dues
* @param now the current time, in milliseconds past the epoch
* @param inmatesDb the database of all inmates
static void processInmateList(long now, Collection<Inmate> inmates, ILogger logger, Db<Inmate> inmatesDb) {
List<String> keysToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
for (Inmate clientKeyAndDuration : inmates) {
reviewForParole(now, keysToRemove, clientKeyAndDuration, logger);
for (var k : keysToRemove) {
logger.logTrace(() -> "TheBrig: removing " + k + " from jail");
Inmate inmateToRemove = SearchUtils.findExactlyOne(, x -> x.getClientId().equals(k));
private static void reviewForParole(
long now,
List<String> keysToRemove,
Inmate inmate,
ILogger logger) {
// if the release time is in the past (that is, the release time is
// before / less-than now), add them to the list to be released.
if (inmate.getReleaseTime() < now) {
logger.logTrace(() -> "UnderInvestigation: " + inmate.getClientId() + " has paid its dues as of " + inmate.getReleaseTime() + " and is getting released. Current time: " + now);
public void stop() {
logger.logDebug(() -> "TheBrig has been told to stop");
if (myThread != null) {
logger.logDebug(() -> "TheBrig: Sending interrupt to thread");
} else {
throw new MinumSecurityException("TheBrig was told to stop, but it was uninitialized");
public boolean sendToJail(String clientIdentifier, long sentenceDuration) {
if (!constants.isTheBrigEnabled) {
return false;
lock.lock(); // block threads here if multiple are trying to get in - only one gets in at a time
try {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
Inmate existingInmate = SearchUtils.findExactlyOne(inmatesDb.values().stream(), x -> x.getClientId().equals(clientIdentifier));
if (existingInmate == null) {
// if this is a new inmate, add them
long releaseTime = now + sentenceDuration;
logger.logDebug(() -> "TheBrig: Putting away " + clientIdentifier + " for " + sentenceDuration + " milliseconds. Release time: " + releaseTime + ". Current time: " + now);
Inmate newInmate = new Inmate(0L, clientIdentifier, releaseTime);
} else {
// if this is an existing inmate continuing to attack us, just update their duration
long releaseTime = existingInmate.getReleaseTime() + sentenceDuration;
logger.logDebug(() -> "TheBrig: Putting away " + clientIdentifier + " for " + sentenceDuration + " milliseconds. Release time: " + releaseTime + ". Current time: " + now);
inmatesDb.write(new Inmate(existingInmate.getIndex(), existingInmate.getClientId(), releaseTime));
} finally {
return true;
public boolean isInJail(String clientIdentifier) {
if (!constants.isTheBrigEnabled) {
return false;
try {
return inmatesDb.values().stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getClientId().equals(clientIdentifier));
} finally {
public List<Inmate> getInmates() {
try {
return inmatesDb.values().stream().toList();
} finally {